I samarbete med:
(45 minutes- 4 hours or/and many sessions spread out over several months)
- work on your repertoire
- work on general aspects of groupsinging
- work on specific things that are important to your ensemble
The best way to learn is often to work with concrete aspects of the music. For example when a vocal group sings their repertoire and gets feedback from a coach. Or when a choir leader sends a rehearsal mp3 by email, or a link to a video, and we discuss various ways to improve the performance.
Experience has shown that it’s often a good idea to have two or three groups in the same session, they are usually supportive to each other, and they learn from watching the other groups receive feedback.
Leadership advice
Coaching sessions with conductors can be done in a person-to-person interactive session, either on location or as a video conference session, for example via Skype.